Our Story
Who Are We?
We are Django Coffee Co. a coffee roasting company that has taken inspiration from Melbourne’s flourishing and robust coffee scene to make it our mission to provide quality speciality coffee with a low environmental impact. We source our own green coffee beans from coffee growers around the world and then roast the beans in small batches to be able to create unique flavours. Django Coffee Co. is 100% committed to providing information on the origins, the farmers and the coffee beans journey from the farm to your cup. We are a company that respects the farmers, the environment as well as our customers.
Bio: Django Coffee Company: Coffee Roasters
After leaving university with a Geography degree, no career prospects and a thirst for travel, I decided to make it my mission to visit as many countries as possible and so set off to travel the world. Five years later and after visiting many countries and sampling different cultures and coffee, I settled in Melbourne and immersed myself in its thriving coffee scene. Returning to the UK I set up Django Coffee Co. to bring the Melbourne speciality coffee scene to the UK coffee market. This company is my way to express my love for the cultures and people of the coffee producing countries and at the same time make people aware of how important the environment is to not only the coffee industry but to our existence. I want to be able to tell people about the amazing places I have visited whilst also providing good quality, ethically sourced, gourmet coffee beans.
Who Is Django?
Django is our mascot and business partner, his name means "I awake" in the Romany language and so for a company that deals in the supply of caffeine it was a perfect match. He is enthusiastic about good quality coffee, travel and the environment. He aims to not only become one of the best coffee roasters but to provide excellent well sourced roasted coffee but to also provide information on the countries of origin, relevant coffee news as well as current environmental issues. This can all be read on his blog.