Uganda Maliba

Regular price £10.00
Name: Maliba
Producer: 100 Smallholder farmers
Origin: Maliba, Rwenzori Mountains
Varietal: SL14, SL28
Altitude: 1600-1800 metres above sea level
Process: Natural
Flavours: Chery, Grapefruit & Whiskey Notes
Importer: Agri Evolve
Harvest: October- February (Arrived UK June 2024)
Where is it from?
Agri Evolve Ltd is an agricultural development of Social Enterprise working with farmers in Uganda with the aim of improving yields, improving profits, and improving lives. They are helping coffee farmers to improve the quality and quantity of their coffee crop and provide a good market by paying good prices and paying promptly.
Since 2018 they have been importing the best of the coffee we produce into the UK. They supply green coffee to Coffee Roasters throughoutthe UK using the trading name Rwenzori Coffee Co. It’s a family business, with Jonny the MD heading up the team in Uganda, and Martin providing the link and supplying green coffee to Coffee Roasters in the UK. We first met Martin at Manchester Coffee Festival in 2017 and have since built up a great relationship and have been very impressed with the coffees we have been able to roast. We visited Ugandan in April 2023 to meet the farmers and communities that have been growing the coffee that we have been enjoying.
Arabica Coffee has been grown in the Rwenzori region for as long as anyone can remember, and the conditions of high rainfall, the altitude from 1300 to over 2000 masl and volcanic soils are perfect for the production of high-quality speciality arabica coffee.
Practically all coffee is grown by smallholder farmers who have coffee trees growing in their fields alongside other crops. The typical size of a plot is between 1 and 2 acres. The main varietals are SL28 and SL14, but with a range of other older varietals. This mix of varietals contributes to the complexity of the coffee produced.
Maliba is at 1600 masl in the foothills of the Rwenzoris, with many farmers living and growing coffee well above this height. Agri Evolve established a buying centre here for the local farmers. Farmers typically have between 1 and 2 acres of land and coffee is their main cash crop. Ripe, red coffee cherries are harvested daily during the harvest season and taken to the buying centre. The cherries are weighed, and assessed for quality and the farmers are paid in cash. From here trucks carry the cherries to our Coffee Station at Nyabirongo. The cherries are floated and graded before being sun-dried. Our teams turn the cherries several times each day to ensure even drying whilst allowing the cherries to mature and develop their full rich flavours.
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